You have the ability to murder, mug, join inside gangs, create your own inside gang or just stay as a lone serial killer taking out anyone that comes in your way to the top. Think you got what it takes to earn the respect from thousands of other inma
Free MMORPG game set in prison. Think you got what it takes to earn the respect from thousands of other inmates?!
Then sign up free todayYou’ve just been sent
down for the second time, and its time to start the struggle of making a name for yourself by dominating the cells on
the inside, but still keeping it locked down on the outside world.
You have the ability to murder, mug, join
inside gangs, create your own inside gang or just stay as a lone serial killer taking out anyone that comes in your way
to the top.
Think you got what it takes to earn the respect from thousands of other inmates?! Then sign up
free today…
You thought it was bad last time…? Prison just got a whole lot