Welcome to FusionCMS Private Community Join today! Join the battle today! Click here to sign up! Vote and be rewarded
Tomyris Kills : 55
Augias Kills : 29
Heni Kills : 28
Engeramus Kills : 27
Grissell Kills : 26
Heribrand Kills : 24

Vote links added so please start voting so we can gain popularity and for the server to grow too then start earning vote points so you can get a good item for your leveling...


Enjoy the game and have a great day!!!

I have added a start up item for you to get started easily and do quest until you max out.

These items are "No Level Requirement" item that lets you use a weapon at ease.

Enjoy the game and have fun!

Hello UXtizens, 


Welcome to our server and hope you will enjoy playing our World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King server and enjoy while playing.