Peace Country Realm - Free MMORPG
PC Realm is a free online world where players live, play, chat, fight monsters, mine for gold, become a tailor, build/design your own house or castle, plant gardens, fish, treasure hunt, join events, do quests, or ....
Peace Country Realm is a free online world that offers thousands of hours of fun, adventure and community. There is much
to do, many people to meet, friends to make, relationships to develop, lands to explore, houses to design and build,
quests to complete, rare treasures to hunt for, exotic creatures to tame, and an almost infinite array of characters to
build. There is a whole community for you to become an integral part of for many years to come. From simply visiting
with friends or fishing up sunken treasure, to slaying evil monsters and rescuing innocent citizens from harm's way; you
can play chess, checkers, or backgammon with a friend, craft powerful weapons and armor, bake bread, mine for gold, grow
a nursery full of plants, or host trivia or word scramble games. PC Realm is truly whatever you choose to make it. The
future of this online world, is up to it's players!
** PCR is a family friendly, PG13, online world. As a
relaxed group of players, we do not permit player killing or distasteful conduct, so come join us in a fun and easy
going environment! **